Hi, I’m Chanda
A Photographer in
San Antonio, TX
For as long as I can remember, I have loved looking at photos. As I was growing up, I remember my Mom had a box of old photos and I would sit and look through this box for hours, thinking of the precious memories held inside and that thought brought a smile to my face.
My passion for photography comes from within, I have grown up taking pictures of my family and as I had my own children that passion continued to call to me after my Mom and Dad bought me a camera to capture my first born, Jessyca and then my second born, J.R.
I always try to capture moments in my photographs, not just images, so that when you look at them, it makes you feel something. I am a member of the Texas Professional Photographers Association and a member of the Professional Photographers of America.
I feel blessed to be doing what I love and I look forward to capturing your family and/or loved ones. Moments exposed in time become treasured pieces of tomorrow. Photography gives me the opportunity to capture precious family moments that will last forever. Photography is my passion and my heart. I am thankful for every day that I get to spend doing it and I hope I get to meet you soon and make some lasting memories for you and yours!
Thank you for considering Chanda’s Photography.